Sunday, January 17, 2010


I continue to have computer problems, therefore, I am composing this long overdue post on my phone (so please forgive typos).

I am struggling to get my miles in each week. Whereas I used to run early in the AM logging 20 miles per week, now I struggle to get in 8 miles a few afternoons a week. My long run is nonexistent at this point as all my runs are only 2-3 miles. I struggle with lack of time, hating to run on the treadmill and 15 extra lbs (not that I was even at goal weight b4).

I long for the old days. I am not giving up...I just can't figure out how to set goals, get over this slump and come up with a doable & enjoyable workout plan.

PS...doing more posting on my other blog (motherhoodandmore)