Thursday, May 22, 2008

Frugal "free" wax paper uses

Over the past weeks, I have gotten great deals on cereal and therefore, I have stockpiled quite a few boxes. My dh & sons go through cereal fairly quickly, so I am breaking down cereal boxes often. I save the wax paper liners to use in one of the many ways:
1.) use as "shake and bake" bags for preparing taco chicken (chicken coated in taco seasoning) or in the "old" days fried chicken
2.) cut up into strips or squares for dividers between hamburger patties to be frozen
3.) cut in to strips for rolling and freezing cookie dough (rolled cookie dough can be sliced for individual cookies to bake as needed)
4.) wrap sandwiches in and seal with freezer tape (for lunch, picnics, etc.)
5.) use 2 liner bags to double bag meats for freezing (some bags are big enough to freeze entire chicken carcasses to use for making soup later)
6.) use as a liner on the kitchen counter top for prepping meats, veggies, etc. This saves some time and clean up for items that might otherwise lead to cross contamination
(These cereal liner bags usually open easily at the seams.)
7.) use as playdough or painting "placemats" for kids (rinse off cereal crumbs first)

I store my extra bag liners in an empty "ziploc" gallon bag box.


Debbie J said...

This is a great tip! I will do this in the future. You can also make great magazine holders from the boxes by cutting a slanted section from one side and the top. I've done this in the past. I may do one and cover it with pretty paper.

Anonymous said...

I never though of that. We don't buy much cereal here but I'll have to remember that.

HisBeloved said...

I just found your blog. Thank you for the great suggestions! I will be passing this along. Would you mind if I linked this page on my site? Thanks!
