Monday, May 26, 2008

I survived my first 10K

I survived and finished my first 10K in 1:10:57 (a mile pace of 11:26). I met most of my finish, to run the entire course, to finish in less than 1 1/4 hours (and my unofficial goal to not be last). The uphill beginning was not easy and still I struggle to find my pace at the beginning of races. I did get a mini surge between the 2 and 3 mile marker and again between 5 and 6 miles. Since I have been doing some hill work, the hills were not intimidating. Now I just need to pick up my pace. I want to break that 10:00 mile on my 5Ks and 10:30 on my future 10Ks.

Several friends and acquaintances of mine ran the race as well, so I did not feel alone in this endeavor. Although they are all avid runners with mile paces around 8:00. I hung around a while after the race chit chatting and listening to prizes for age group finishers. I have learned from my other races not to get into my car or sit down because my muscles tend to painfully stiffen up.

I am stiff now and probably will be for a day or so, but I am happy to have finished my first 10K. In a few days or so, I will have to pick out my next race/goal to keep me accountable and headed/training for the 10 miler in September.

PS. I ran w/o my mp3. Still contemplating that one.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I remember that soreness all too well. I read your blogs and noticed your times are similar to mine and saw that in the 10k and God Parent Home, we finished right next to each other. What a small world.