Saturday, April 18, 2009

Back to running - Godparent 5K

In some ways the past 5 months have seemed like both a few weeks and a few years. Thanks to a running pal, whose daughter has and will watch my boys on race days, I am getting back to running. After not really running for almost two months, I am struggling but making some progress. Today I ran in the Godparent 5K with a time that was 1.5 minutes slower than my time in this race last year. The 2008 Godparent race was the last 5K my husband saw me run in. I always enjoyed having my family come to races but they found the waiting a boring endeavor. They came out for the 10 miler last year. I do miss Andy, it is hard to think about those times - sometimes it seems so long ago.

I am still working to get in more than 9 miles running each week. If I can pick up my time, I can get in more miles. The afternoon heat is another thing I am having to work through and the weather is still fairly cool in perspective. I was looking back at my times in races from last year and I did one race in just under a 10 minute mile pace. My goal is go get back to that as I work to drop the 20 pounds I gained as I grieved by eating.


Jeff said...

Welcome back. Let us know if we can help in any way.

Jeff said...

Glad to see you made it to the 4 Miler. Looks like we finished back to back yet again.