Monday, August 18, 2008

Running withdrawal

When I looked at the date of my last entry, I did not realize how long it had been since I "blogged." I have been just trying to keep up with work.(I started back last week-already behind!)

Already, I am a bit behind on my runs too. I don't like to go 2 days in a row without running. My hubbie was out of town working at GenCon for 5 days. My mother-in-law came came in town to help through Saturday, but since then I have not been able to get in a run since the 5K race on Saturday. (running withdrawal) In running this 5K, I improved my time (to 30:47)to break just under 10 minute miles -a PB for me. I was expecting better since earlier this week I ran 3 miles in under 29 minutes. I guess I do differently when competing. My friend, who I have run part of the 10-miler course with, did very well as she won the masters' award (She is coming back from a bad injury which has taken over a year to recover from.) I had a 3 goals for this race: 1) better my time 2) test out nutrition and prepping routines and 3) beat another female runner I know. I accomplished all 3.

My plan is to have a nice, long run tomorrow (8.5-10 miles). Since it is registration day at school with afternoon & evening hours, I can take lots of time to run in the AM. I plan to get in a couple of easier runs mid-week and then run the 10-miler course Saturday with my friend.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Congrats on hitting all three goals. Good luck in the 10 Miler.