Thursday, July 31, 2008

Joy, thankfulness, sorrow, & anniversaries

Today I was reminded of many things which bring me joy and for which I am thankful. Daily I am reminded of what a wonderful family I have---an incredible husband who is a wonderful partner and father---2 cute, delightful boys who make me laugh and smile daily---my Saviour who loves me and looks out for me in ways I cannot even comprehend but I am grateful.

Today on the way to my son's swimming lesson, for which we were already running a bit late, the station wagon got a flat tire. I am glad this happened today, not tomorrow while we were on the road to NC. I was able to call my husband, who came right away to help. A wonderful, God-sent stranger who helped change the tire and inflate the deflated spare. Financial provisions from God which meant we could buy a new tire today instead of having to borrow money or not pay a bill to do so. My being in better physical shape, so that I could put the baby in the stroller and hike the mile or so in 15 minutes to the YMCA to still make it for part of the swim lesson. A year ago, it would have taken me much longer to get there with many more aches and pains. It is hard to believe that a year ago I started this journey and could not even jog halfway around a track.

Thankfulness----I am so grateful for this station wagon, which used to be my Dad's. I can transport 5 children and 2 adults or other combinations of people while toting "stuff" in the back. The car gets good mileage, runs well, and means no car payment---all of which I am very thankful for as our budget is very tight these days. It is as if my Dad knew we would need it when he insisted that Mother pass it on to me upon his death.

Sorrow----It was 3 years ago this month that Daddy died. I know he would be proud of me in the strides I have made this year. He always encouraged my competitive nature from my elementary years to my high school judo competitions through my graduate school days. He would have been proud of my recent 12 month weight loss journey losing 53 pounds. He would have been proud of my new running ventures. I am sorry he is not here for these but mostly I am sad that he never knew his newest grandson who was born 11 months after Daddy died. I am reminded of Daddy often as I drive his car and wear his watch when I run. I miss him.

PS. I registered for the 10 miler today.

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